"The Independent Publisher" gives you comprehensive knowledge and tools to...

Much Ado About Publishing Workshop - February 7, 2009.  Saturday,...

High resolution EPS file of eLit Silver Medal image. Compatible with Adobe...

"The Independent Publisher" gives you comprehensive knowledge and tools to...

High resolution PDF file of eLit Bronze Medal image.

IPPY Award seals...

TIF file of Axiom Bronze Medal image.

TIF file of Axiom Gold Medal image.

TIF file of Axiom Silver Medal image.



High resolution EPS file of eLit Bronze Medal image. Compatible with Adobe...

A collection of 18 behind-the-scene stories of bestselling authors. Today...

High resolution TIF file of IPPY Gold Medal image.

High resolution TIF of IPPY Silver Medal image.

Living Now Bronze Medal image.

Living Now Gold Medal image.


Living Now Silver Medal image.

TIF file of Moonbeam Bronze Medal image.

TIF file of Moonbeam Gold Medal image.

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