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Full Pitch Package



We will write killer query letter, keeping in mind that the goal of a successful pitch is not to sell your project, but to get it read. We will:

  • Begin your pitch by introducing you and listing your qualifications, such as whether you’ve been optioned, sold, produced and/or if you've won or placed well in any writing competitions or screenwriting contests. If you haven’t won a screenplay contest, or don't have any such credentials, just say you're a "new writer." People, in general, can be very hopeful about things that are "new"! It might also help your opening by adding a sincere sentence that in some way compliments the person or the company you're pitching.

  • Next, we will include a paragraph that places your material in context by naming its genre and comparing it to a recent commercially successful film that is similar to yours in its content and/or tone. Additionally, we might also want to compare it to a classic film that is similar to yours in its content and/or tone.

  • Now it's time to talk about the story. Here, we keep things short and sweet by conveying the key elements of your plot as clearly and as concisely as possible. Introduce the main character, her dilemma and her goal, and then explain what she will have to accomplish to overcome her obstacles. Next, without giving away the ending, hint at how the story might be resolved.

  • In the last paragraph, write a sentence or two explaining why you think your project will have market appeal. Finally, we wrap it up by thanking the Pro for his or her time.

  •  10 Pitch Credits that you can use at any time will be loaded in your name to
  • With Film/TV Rights Pitch Service you can pitch your material to Hollywood Producers, Managers, and Agents online. What makes the service unique is that you can pick and choose who you pitch to and are guaranteed a response back to all of your pitches within 5 business days. Plus, there is no expiration date on your pitches, as they don't run out until you use them! Also, our per-pitch fees are a fraction of those charged at live events.

    The process is easy. You can submit one pitch to different Industry Pros or you can submit multiple pitches in any way that suits your needs.

    You can visit a demo of the site at Virtual Pitch Fest Demo.

     What clients are saying:

    “Thanks, Virtual Pitch Fest! I just signed with literary manager Kathy Muraviov through your site. Virtual Pitch Fest is truly a wonderful tool for getting your materials out there!”
    Sean Foy, Writer

    "Virtual Pitch Fest introduced me to manager Justin Olson @ Rebel Entertainment... Justin is helping me get a film into development and a graphic novel produced based on a horror script that I completed... Thanks for your service!"
    Bob Heske, Writer 

    "Virtual Pitch Fest is a fast and easy way for producers to find some new, undiscovered talent. I highly recommend it. We have optioned one script off of VPF and hope to find more!"
    Daniel Manus
    Clifford Werber Productions

    "That was the quickest, easiest, most productive way to pitch I have ever experienced... Thank you! I'm a believer!"
    Megan Johnson, Writer



    Product Details

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    Our professional writer will craft your pitch/query letter based on your input AND we will load 10 credits into VirtualPitchFest in an account in your name.

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