Rhodes & Easton Reviews

$450.00 $395.00


We know every published book deserves a review. In today’s varied publishing field, an honest review helps a book standout.  Unfortunately, given the number of books released each year and the shrinking staff and budgets at traditional review publications, “free” reviews are very rare.

Rhoades & Easton Reviews is here with a simple purpose:

Provide quality, timely, and unbiased reviews to small and independent publishers

We respect independently published print books and ebooks- it’s our history, too. We want your book to get the same attention as a new title from the Big Five publishers.

Our team of professional reviewers have worked with some of the best in the industry.  They will give you an honest review, which will highlight the good and offer constructive criticism (if there is any). For a low cost you will get a review that can be used for marketing and promotion of your work.

Our Process:

  1. Sign up for a Rhodes & Easton Review
  2. Complete the Title Registration Form and send your book into our office
  3. A reviewer will be assigned to your book based on the book’s genre
  4. The review will be written and run through our quality review process
  5. Once approved internally, the review will be sent to you

What you will get:

  • An impartial appraisal by a qualified reviewer  – approximately 250 - 300 words.
  • A completed review in 4-6 weeks after the book arrives in our office
  • Direct contact with our staff (via phone or email) should you have any questions along the way
  • Complete ownership of the review to use as you see fit

See a sample review here.

Our Reviewers:

  • Have proven talent and expertise
  • Work in the book industry as reviewers, editors, librarians, and book sellers
  • Will read your entire book and put thought into your review
  • Write for major industry publications including Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews and Library Journal

Sale Price: $395.00 $450.00

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$395.00 $450.00
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Rhoades & Easton Reviews provide quality, timely, and unbiased reviews to small and independent publishers.
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